The Vox Platform

Daniel Petkevich


Medicare Advantage distributors and carriers win through:

  • Sales - Matching insurance products to the right beneficiary at sale

  • Member Experience - Providing a delightful product experience so that beneficiaries stay with it.

  • Product Design - Designing differentiated and appealing products

In the status quo, each of these functions face one or several of the following challenges:

  • Lack of quality employees to execute

  • Lack of real-time data to analyze and improve execution

Several concrete symptoms of the above are:

  • Sales agents spend significant time talking to non-qualified leads

  • Beneficiaries calling member experience lines often wait on hold, and are transferred between departments and companies. 

  • Plan design teams can only analyze a small percent of sales call transcripts to design new plans for the following year. This is like trying to observe a painting in a dark cave using a penlight.

The challenge common to all of the above is a dependence on humans to produce and analyze voice

Not anymore.

Vox is the first platform for Medicare entities to use AI to analyze and produce voice, 10x’ing the outcomes generated by sales, member experience, and product design teams.

It’s three pillars are:

AI Voice agents for simple roles:

  • A screener to qualify leads before transferring them to agent

  • A member experience agent to instantly pick up, answer questions about plans, and act as an interface to supplementary benefits

  • A surveyor to call the beneficiary, ask them about their plan experience, and remind them of the supplementary benefits

Insight. AI transcription and auditing of all calls, human and AI, within your organization. Using ranked-RAG and LLMs we create a “Google-like” interface to your call data. Given all or a subset of call data, we enable you to answer arbitrary questions. For example:

  • Sales

    • Show me calls where a client is frustrated. 

    • What are the top three reasons clients are frustrated?

    • Characterize the types of leads that are calling in? What percent have intent to buy and are cogent?

  • Member Experience

    • What is my resolution rate?

    • What is average time to resolution?

  • Product Design

    • What is that rate at which a lead brings up a competitor? What are the top three competitors they bring up and the rate of each?

    • What supplemental benefits do leads bring up?

Coaching for humans based on insight. For example:

  • Sales

    • See close rate and objection rate by agent. Give real time feedback on poor objection handling with examples of better agents successfully handling

  • Member Experience

    • Give real time feedback on any incorrect data provided to client

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